Kingston’s new swimming pool

Published: 24th July 2024

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Kingston Council's New Leisure Centre
Kingston Council’s new leisure centre – CGI

Residents of Chessington have long campaigned for more public leisure facilities, particularly a swimming pool, in the south of the borough. It is nearly five years since the Kingfisher in Kingston closed due to maintenance issues, with the promise from the council of a new facility opening in 2024.

Here we are in July 2024 and meetings about the new swimming pool and leisure centre on the old Kingfisher site continue. This track record puts the likelihood of ever having a pool in Chessington beyond the lifetime of many of its current residents.

Since 2019 there has been just one public swimming pool in the borough at The Malden Centre, pushing many Chessington residents to seek access to affordable swimming and leisure facilities outside the borough in Leatherhead or Elmbridge, or not participating at all.

The health and wellbeing benefits of swimming cannot be under-estimated. An independent report commissioned by Swim England in 2017 evidenced that the unique benefits of water make it the perfect place for people of all ages to exercise, particularly those with long term health conditions. The report also found evidence that swimmers live longer, regular swimming helps older people stay mentally and physically fit, and participation in swimming lessons can help children to develop quicker.

It’s unclear when the planned new swimming and leisure will be open. However, the council is seeking our feedback on the latest design prior to the submission of another planning application.

You can see the information and comment online or, if you prefer to look in person, you can view the plans at the following events:

  • Friday 26th July, 12noon-3pm at Chessington Sports Centre, Garrison Lane, KT9 2JS
  • Friday 26th July, 5-8pm at The Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, KT3 4TA
  • Saturday 27th July, 1-3pm at Quaker Centre, Fairfield East, KT1 2PT

Take this opportunity not only to comment on the plans presented, but to have your say on what is needed for residents in the south of the borough. The survey closes on 4th August 2024.

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