Signal Park (Former Government Site) Tolworth

Update: February 2024

As previously reported and based on the last approved planning application, there were a further 739 housing units planned to be built (after phase 1) next to Holywood Bowl in Tolworth. This is in addition to the 211 that have just been completed from the first phase. Guinness Partnership who purchased the site from Meyer Homes previously had outline planning permission for the remaining 739 units. Their planning permission has now expired. They need to put in a new planning application. 

Guinness have now gone into partnership with Countryside Partnership to share the risk. Last month Chessington District Residents’ Association attended the Guinness/Countryside exhibition to view their proposed plans, they were also shown around one of the newly built flats which do seem to be of a good standard.

From the recent exhibition we learnt that Guinness and Countryside now want to increase the numbers even further to between 1,100 and 1,200 housing units, which will mean even taller blocks. One of our members was told, at the on-site meeting with Countryside, that the Mayor of London considers 1,250 to be the preferred option.

Signal Park Consultation

Find out more about Phase 2

When the site was owned by Meyer Homes, the application was for a total of 705 housing units.  RBK and the Planning Inspector from Bristol rejected their planning application. However, the developer at the instigation and with the full support and knowledge of the GLA and without any public consultation were asked to develop a denser development than the 950 flats. They appealed to the London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who overturned the Bristol Inspectors’ decision to refuse, but allowed the applicant to increase the housing unit number from 705 to 950.  

The previous application for the 950 homes had a maximum of 388 parking spaces, which we considered inadequate. The current development of 211 flats in three blocks (phase 1) have provided 60 spaces. The remaining site  (phase 2) will have approximately 250 spaces.  This could mean that there will be a total of 310 car parking spaces for as many as 1,250 flats. Even less spaces for more homes! The Mayor of London argues that people should be using public transport and not driving cars. Under the current planning rules, it is not necessary to provide a parking space for each home.  This will probably mean that the residents will park in the surrounding residential roads.

Chessington District Residents’ Association is of the opinion that the proposed density and height of the buildings are totally unsuitable for this site. That is apart from the lack of parking spaces, infrastructure, schools, doctors, and dentists, etc.

The 20-storey block next to the station will overshadow Dean and Draycourt flats, who have a ‘right to light’. This will need addressing.

We will look out for the planning application and object if we consider it to be unacceptable, to the residents of Tolworth.